Inspiration Natur Presentation II

What a week-end that was! The Stapelfelder Fototage are now one week behind us. Willi Rolfes and Dr. Martin Feltes had it all sorted out so well. The program was filled with great and interesting participants. It was such an great honor to be among these lectures and photographers. I enjoyed everyone of them. Thanks a lot for sharing your pictures and stories!

From left top to right under: Willi Rolfes, Dr. Martin Stock, Stephan Tüngler, Misja Smits, Dieter Damschen, Dr. Martin Feltes, Dr. Peter Wernicke, Stefan Christmann, Klaus Nigge,  Hans Strand

From left top to right under: Willi Rolfes, Dr. Martin Stock, Stephan Tüngler, Misja Smits, Dieter Damschen, Dr. Martin Feltes, Dr. Peter Wernicke, Stefan Christmann, Klaus Nigge, Hans Strand.

Me during the presentation

Luckily for me there was Kevin Winterhoff who was willing to translate me. I had therefore the privilege to speak in my own language Dutch, and Kevin translated my words into German. And don’t forget about Karl-Heinz Georgi, the man sitting behind us. He was the man of the techniques, and he did great. Thanks to him every presentation went smoothly and without complications.

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